Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Staging Stinks!! Quite literally - sometimes it really does!!

Homeowners and probably most Realtors that use a Staging service to help sell their home really don't think about the behind the scenes process.

I, like a lot of Stagers, do own some inventory that I can use to Stage my own listings or rent out to the homeowner.

We can take something like this:

And make it look like this:

Success - the place looks like a model home and is SOLD!!
When it's time to collect all those items - pull on your rubber gloves!!

ANY fabric items (accent pillows, cloth napkins, fancy towels, tassels, window treatments, etc) ALL have to be either washed, steam cleaned or professionally dry cleaned! Those items in particular take on the "essence" of the home they were placed in.

Any glass or other decorative items are washed either by hand or dishwasher or wiped down with Clorox or Lysol wipes (that even includes any wax candles used).
Small furniture pieces and lamps are also given a once over.

Everything is kept in closed trash bags until cleaned. Once cleaned, it's all stored in sealed plastic tubs - ready for the next house.
We Stagers DO NOT want to store away someone else's funk - and we want to ensure the next home receives properly cleaned items.

Stagers - do you add a cleaning fee in with your service? How do you ready your stash for its next use??

Sharon Goetz
Keller Williams Realty
Realtor, Stager, Certified Interior Decorator


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