Beyond the Garden Gate

Monday, April 22, 2013

This past weekend, my DH signed us up for a gardening class.

He’s very interested in native plants and is looking for ideas to improve our little landscape.

So…off we went early Saturday AM to a county park – one that I had never been to. A truly beautiful place with winding paths through colorful garden plots.

There were photographers and artists milling about. The class, with 15 eager attendees, began with multi-page handouts of plants with their Latin and common names, their peak bloom time, etc.

We were led through the garden paths by the horticulturist who went into great detail of the plantings. This was no Gardening 101. The attendees asked thoughtful questions. I refused to let my new friends know I am not “Smarter than a 5th grader” so I just followed along.

And to think…last week I was so proud of the greening of my deck with my exciting Boston Fern purchases (ON SALE) at Lowes.

Well, whatever type of gardening you enjoy…I wish you all a very HAPPY EARTH DAY!


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